本中心將於3月21日(週四)舉辦「Dan Zahavi研究與著作工作坊」-
Dan Zahavi 將談論近期研究重點「現象學與質性研究」, 並針對近年著作《Husserl’s Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental Philosophy》、《Self and Other:Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy, and Shame》等著作進行討論。此次很榮幸邀請到國立東華大學諮商與臨床心理系 李維倫教授 擔任與談人, 機會難得,歡迎踴躍參加!

以下為Dan Zahavi對於「現象學與質性研究」的引言:
"Amedeo Giorgi, Jonathan Smith and Max van Manen are three leading proponents of phenomenology as a qualitative research method. All three enjoy wide popularity and are routinely referenced by qualitative researchers, but they differ in their methodological recommendations and in their view of how narrowly or broadly one should define what counts as phenomenological. Must phenomenological qualitative research embrace and adopt part of Husserl’s philosophical method, in particular his notions of epoché and reduction, or is it sufficient simply to consider the first-person perspective of the patient or client in order to make the approach in question phenomenological? In my talk, I will criticize all three researchers and propose a different way to apply phenomenology in the domain of qualitative research. "
活動資訊:【Dan Zahavi 2019年訪台系列行程】
第三場- 「Dan Zahavi研究與著作工作坊」
時間:3/21 (四) 14:00-18:00
並針對近年著作Husserl’s Legacy、Self and Other: Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy, and Shame等進行討論。