【工作坊】 📣 God? Life and Universe: Science and Ethics at Crossroads 📣 (上帝在生命和宇宙中的位置?處於十字路口的科學與倫理學)

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【工作坊】 📣 God? Life and Universe: Science and Ethics at Crossroads 📣 (上帝在生命和宇宙中的位置?處於十字路口的科學與倫理學)

時間: 2019年12月21日(週六) 早上9:00 – 下五5:00
地點: 政治大學百年樓330222室(哲學系圖書館)
報名連結: https://reurl.cc/alz3AD

📍〔宗旨〕In a contemporary academic context, it is generally and implicitly assumed that science is a methodologically strict discipline free of cultural and religious influences. In this workshop, this assumption is exposed, examined and challenged. Prominent scientists and medical practitioners in the areas of Brain Science, Molecular Biology, and Chinese Medicine will present revolutionary works showing how the brain and life function in ways that go profoundly at odds with some fundamental notions in the mainstream sciences, which are deeply rooted in a God-based worldview. Philosophical and ethical reflections are made from a trans-cultural perspective regarding who we are and what we will be as selves and persons living and acting in a universe depicted by sciences reinvigorated in and connected to a Godless intellectual tradition.

*Roughly, each Speaker has 30 mins presentation time, and 20 mins for Q&A.

9-9:50 Toward the Opposite of God: Its Significance and Implications (走向與上帝對反之處:其意義與影響)
任博克Brook Anthony Ziporyn (The Divinity School, University of Chicago)

10-10:50 The Spontaneous Brain: A Copernican Revolution (自發性的大腦: 一個哥白尼式的轉向)
Georg Northoff (The Royal Mental Health Research Center, University of Ottawa)

11-11:50 Adaption of Logic in Molecular Biology (分子生物學所採納的邏輯)
蔡有光 Yeou-Guang Tsay (Department of Biochemistry, National Yang-Ming University)
盧清佑Ching-Yu Lu (National Taiwan University Hospital)

12-12:50 The Duality of Life (生命的二元性)
郭育誠Yucheng Kuo (Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University and School of Post Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, China Medical University)


2-2:50 Can Eastern Ontology Mingle with Western Methodology? (東方存有論是否能與西方方法論交融溝通?)
陳思廷Szu-Ting Chen (Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing-Hua University)

3-3:50 Xunzi’s Contribution to Chinese Humanism (論荀子對中國人文主義的貢獻)
王華Ellie Hua Wang (Philosophy Dept., National Cheng-Chi University)

4-4:50 Two Models of Personal Identity Free of a God-based Worldview (免於上帝之眼為底基的兩個人格同一論模型)
鄭凱元Kai-Yuan Cheng (Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, NYMU)