【專題演講】清朝筆記小說 重新的夢敘述文New Dream Narratives in Biji and Xiaoshuo of the Qing Period

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【專題演講】清朝筆記小說 重新的夢敘述文New Dream Narratives in Biji and Xiaoshuo of the Qing Period

New Dream Narratives in Biji and Xiaoshuo of the Qing Period

活動網站: http://epaper.ccstw.nccu.edu.tw/new-dream-narrative/

主講人 SPEAKER : 盧秀珠 Aude Lucas / 法國遠東學院博士後研究員
與談人 DISCUSSANT : 劉瓊云 / 中央研究院中國文哲所副研究員
主持人 CHAIR : 衛易萱 Barbara Witt / 政大華人文化主體性研究中心博士後研究員

時間 TIME : 2019年9月24日(TUE) PM 3:00~5:00
地點 VENUE: 政治大學百年樓330111演講廳 /
Rm 330111 of Bai-nian Bldg. on hill campus of National Chengchi University







In the writing of dream stories, authors of Ming and Qing xiaoshuo used centuries-old literary patterns. Traditional literature on dreams more often than not included the dream content – usually a more or less clear prediction of future events –, the explanation of the dream – which implied more or less dream deciphering technique –, and the fulfillment of the dream prediction.
But in 17th and 18th-century biji and xiaoshuo, some authors overturned these traditional patterns, for example when the subsequent events did not match the prediction, or when the dream prediction was not to be taken in the literal sense but in the figurative sense – or the other way round. There are also stories in which dreams that can not be explained. Last but not least, there are dreams that are manifestations from gui and divinities that aim at deceiving men. These cases are to be found in Pu Songling’s 蒲松齡 (1640-1715) Liaozhai zhiyi 聊齋誌異, Ji Yun’s 紀昀 (1724-1805) Yuewei caotang biji 閱微草堂筆記, Yuan Mei’s 袁枚 (1716-1797) Zibuyu 子不語, and other biji and xiaoshuo collections.
These subversive narratives raise the question of free will: in the logic of traditional dream stories, divinities and gui that appeared embodied authority, because the events they predicted would always happen. But in narratives that overthrow this pattern, the events they predict are not fulfilled in the end. Besides, some dream narratives question the behavior of the dreamer, as his reaction to his own dream counters the predestination of the dream and displays his free will. One may consider these subversive narratives as a distinguishing feature of creativeness from authors of the Qing who reconsidered shenmo xiaoshuo.
These stories that contradicted classical dream narration patterns generally question the subjectivity of the dreaming characters, as their thoughts, desires and fears replace the prediction as a dream content.
The objective of this series of talks is to present the objectives of my postdoctoral research and to expose my current clues for analysis.

主講人-盧秀珠 AUDE LUCAS


巴黎索邦大學 – 德尼。狄德羅第131博士研究學院
– 語言丶文學丶圖片:文明與人文科學。英文丶法文與東亞學業
-第15部 : 阿拉伯丶中國丶日本丶希伯來以及其他區域的預言與文學






Barbara Witt (衛易萱),漢學博士,現任國立政治大學「華人文化主體性研究中心」博士後,曾經在德國維爾茨堡大學漢學系當研究助理和講師。德國慕尼黑大學博士畢業。
